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ot mom: Scissor Cutting Skills Ebook by PFOT

E-Book: OT Mom's: Scissor Cutting Skills & templates

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This E-book shows what good scissor skills look like, vital information on cutting with scissors; photographs of poor techniques and common mistakes that kids make when learning to cut; A scissor cutting checklist to help analyze your own child’s cutting skills; 6 pages packed with photographs & activities to help your child develop good scissor skills; 5 pages of bilateral coordination activity and fine motor tips; Fun Cutting Templates that can be used to help your child learn to cut! From lines and basic shapes to directions for a giraffe, a rocket, a boat, a castle and more! More than 20 pages of just templates.


  * As with all E-Books, payment is required before they can be downloaded.  Please see the main E-book page for simple ordering information or hit "Buy Now" to purchase this title immediately. Then use your BACK button to return here.



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