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Pocket Full of Therapy


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E-Book: OT Mom's Core Exercises for Kids

E-Book: OT Mom's Core Exercises for Kids

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Written specifically for kids, these core strengthening exercises are designed for children who need a stronger base of support for stability and to move from. Those who struggle to do sit-ups, the plank and other conventional core exercises; who may have poor gross motor skills and difficulty in sports.

Includes: 4 pages of vital information on core muscles, tips and guidelines for using the exercises; Over 30 different Core exercises and activities (with photographs). Including: Core Exercises using minimal equipment (an exercise mat or folded blanket); Exercises using inexpensive, easy-to-obtain items; Exercises using a Therapy Ball; Core Exercises using a Trampoline; Core Exercises easily done at a park or playground and a Goal & Exercise Planner to help successfully implement a program at home & incorporate core strengthening exercises into your everyday family life.

Aimed at children from kindergarten through elementary school, but easily adapted for any age and ability. With these fun, achievable abdominal exercises, your child should soon develop a stronger core that will have lifelong benefits.


 * As with all E-Books, payment is required before they can be downloaded.  Please see the main E-book page for simple ordering information or hit "Buy Now" to purchase this title immediately.


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