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E-Book: OT Mom's Bilateral Coordination Activities

E-Book: OT Mom's Bilateral Coordination Activities

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Bilateral coordination activities can be fine or gross motor (threading beads, cutting with scissors, jumping, hopping, catch a ball or clap in time to music...) or perhaps your child been diagnosed with poor bilateral integration.

This e-book of kid-friendly activities is ideal for teachers or parents as a home program and can be used to supplement therapy or other interventions. The activities are easily replicated in the home and use inexpensive everyday resources. This book includes: 3 pages of vital information on bilateral coordination and how to use the activities presented; information on midline crossing and hand dominance; Symmetrical/Asymmetrical and Reciprocal bilateral coordination. Activities (16 pages with photographs) of Bilateral Activities for Hands/Arms; Feet/Legs; Arms and Legs Together; Bilateral Therapy Ball Activities; Bilateral Trampoline Exercises; Bilateral Kitchen Activities; Bilateral Activities with a Jungle Theme; Bilateral Ribbon Activities; Bilateral Playdough Exercises

Also includes an Activity Planner to help plan how to use the suggested activities to meet your child’s needs; guide you in setting goals and assist in drawing up a program to implementing the activities at home.


 * As with all E-Books, payment is required before they can be downloaded.  Please see the main E-book page for simple ordering information or hit "Buy Now" to purchase this title immediately. Then use your BACK button to return here.




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