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Pocket Full of Therapy


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Weighted Vests*

Weighted Vests*

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While attractive to look at, this vest is also uniquely designed with weight pouches at, but not on the shoulders, as well as on the front and back. Weight is distributed evenly across the upper body. Comfortable for the wearer, it provides proprioceptive input and stability, helping to calm children and improve attending. Remove all weight pouches before machine washing the satin protected cotton denim material. *(Sorry this item does not qualify for free shipping. Shipping costs may be added to your total during processing)

**The use of any weighted item is a therapeutic intervention/modality and parent permission is always recommended prior to beginning or trying the item. For your convenience, here is a permission slip that you may find useful. It may be saved, edited and printed. Remember to add your letterhead and complete the details before sending home with a client.

Here is a:  Trial use of a weighted device permission slip

Here is a: Use of a weighted device permission slip 

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