Senseez Vibrating Cushion*

Senseez Vibrating Cushion*

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Help ease the senses, soothe and calm the body. Simply squeeze or sit on to activate those "good vibrations"!Developed by a mom for her son who had difficulty focusing and sitting in one place for meals and in the classroom. Lightweight, so easy to take along and use where-ever the child goes; school, library, restaurants, Grandma's, car, planes & hair-cuts too! Choose from easy-to-clean and versatile, blue vinyl square or the touchable line that are fuzzy, furry, plushy, or bumpy materials all with tails. Colors, styles and availability vary. *Sorry not eligible for free or reduced shipping
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average rating 100%
nicely made 09/16/2016
By Alexa
We ordered the jellyfish. My daughter carries it around by the little tentacles. She would rather carry it then sit on it, but i don't care. It calms her down and avoids a melt down!