"> Multi Matrix Game*

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Multi Matrix Game

Multi Matrix Game*

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Enhancing cognitive, sensory and motor integration! With the Multi Matrix Game as part of your “toolbox” you won’t need much more! This small package of 25 colored patterned dice, 25 white number dice and 3 pattern cards has the potential to enhance brain development as few products can. Developed by Dr. Carl Hiller, optometrist, these colorfully engaging dice can help improve; spatial processing,reading, pattern recognition, working memory, cognitive endurance, visual scanning and visual fatigue, upper extremity midrange control and fine motor skills, bilateral integration, midline crossing and sensory integration. Tasks look easy and engaging, and the entire brain gets a workout! For use by OT’s, teachers or parents, this 3 dimensional block game is a great developmental tool that can be modified to create hundreds of challenges appropriate for both children and adults alike. Game purchase comes with viewing rights to an award winning video training course. By viewing this video, everyone can learn to build challenges to maximize sensory processing, integrate both hemispheres of the brain and accelerate development. Engage the brain with the Multi Matrix Game! * This item does not qualify for free shipping.
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Enhancing cognitive, sensory and motor integration! With the Multi Matrix Game as part of your “toolbox” you won’t need much more! This small package of 25 colored patterned dice, 25 white number dice and 3 pattern cards has the potential to enhance brain development as few products can. Developed by Dr. Carl Hiller, optometrist, these colorfully engaging dice can help improve; spatial processing,reading, pattern recognition, working memory, cognitive endurance, visual scanning and visual fatigue, upper extremity midrange control and fine motor skills, bilateral integration, midline crossing and sensory integration. Tasks look easy and engaging, and the entire brain gets a workout! For use by OT’s, teachers or parents, this 3 dimensional block game is a great developmental tool that can be modified to create hundreds of challenges appropriate for both children and adults alike. Game purchase comes with viewing rights to an award winning video training course. By viewing this video, everyone can learn to build challenges to maximize sensory processing, integrate both hemispheres of the brain and accelerate development. Engage the brain with the Multi Matrix Game!
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average rating 100%
AMAZING 08/21/2019
By Sue
I had seen this at a conference and finally made the financial investment to buy it- because it is an expense. OMG - It has changed my approach to students and treatment. You can do so much with it, especially when I need to see students in their classsroom. The video's were helpful and got me started, but I quickly modified my use for each student. So glad I finally bought it!