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Pocket Full of Therapy


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Kim's Kup

Kim's Kup

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Designed by a therapist, this simple product accomplishes a lot. 6 inch, high clear plastic cup with handle and 2 screw on/off caps. Caps have two different sized holes and a slit on top allowing various items to be pushed/dropped inside. Set includes: 6 spiney critters, 6 spiney balls, 12, 2" long pegs, 12 small 1/4 inch pegs, 12 plastic counters and 12 small beans. All require different grasp patterns and varying amounts of pressure to drop through holes into the container. Great early toy, the handle encourages the use of both hands. Children love the simple cause and effect, the see through container, the feeling of accomplishment and the unique rattling when shaken.
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LOVE IT 08/03/2020
By katie
This is my go to piece of equipment. Ot goes with me to every client. Materials can be used in so many ways with so many levels of children. Great varied of hand skills addressed.