PFOT Post it online contest: Enter to win a $75 gift card.
Video’s must be 7-10 seconds long.
PFOT and its products must only be depicted in a favorable way.
No identifying images (faces) of children permitted.
The Pocket full of therapy logo or PFOT com must be displayed in video and/or in accompanying descriptive write up.
Each post equates to one contest entry. Contestants may enter multiple times.
PFOT reserves the right to cancel the contest at their discretion due to limited interest and entries. A minimum of 10 contestants are required to compete.
Winner chosen at random from all valid entries.
A copy of all entries must be sent to with your name, contact info and where the post will be made online.
By submitting an entry, contestants give PFOT permission to repost at any time.
When posting on social media. Hashtags must include #PFOT dot com.; #Pocketfulloftherapy; #pediatric OT; #PediatricOccupationalTherapy; #SchoolBased OT